Sunday 17 January 2010


And decamp to the suburbs I did, in July 2009. After 6 years in central Tokyo, the desire for a newer, bigger and cheaper place closer to the great outdoors led to a move to Abiko in Chiba prefecture, very close to Matsudo, where my Japanese adventure began all those years ago. Needless to say, Abiko also has great skies!

Random Sky Scene

One of the last sky shots taken from Shinanomachi before decamping to the suburbs...

Saturday 16 January 2010

式根島 Shikinejima - Paradise in Tokyo

A 10 hour ferry ride from Harumi port in Tokyo (and still in Tokyo) lies the tiny and idyllic island of Shikinejima. Tranquil beaches, hiking trails, 2 natural hot springs, free camping and incredibly friendly people make this my favourite place in Japan. Every June there is an Aquathon, a 750m ocean swim followed by a 5km run. For the last couple of years I've participated in this race, spluttering around the bay and then staggering around the island. See you there in 2010.

A Distinct lack of Hiking...

Hello! A Happy New Year to all or any of you who are still checking this blog. There has been less activity than ideal recently, in both the blogging and hiking sense. 2010 will be a more active year in these respects, it will, it will! Despite the lack of blogging and hiking, I have not been lounging around on me arse, far from it. Work (that annoying interruption to the rest of life) has been hectic, and, having been tethered to terra firma for the best part of 2 years, there was a travelburst towards the latter part of 2009, with trips to Taiwan twice, Thailand and Hawaii. I hope to keep up the pace this year. Here's to a prosperous, productive and peaceful 2010 for all. The posts and pictures above are a summary of 2009!